Find Products

Saved Lists makes it easy for you to favorite the products that you order most by offering a saved lists feature.

There are three ways to save items to a list.

  • First Way:
    • - Select the star next to an item on the search results page.
    • - Once you click on the star, it will prompt you to create a new list or add the item to an existing list.
    • - After you create a new list or select an existing list, the star will fill in completely
  • Second Way:
    • - From the product page, click “Save in list” located below the “Add To Cart” button.
    • - Once you click on “Save in list”, it will prompt you to create a new list or add the item to an existing list.
    • - After you create a new list or select an existing list, the star will fill in completely.
  • Third Way:
    • - Click on your account name to the right of the logout button.
    • - From the profile page, click “Saved Lists”.
    • - Then, click on “Create New List”. From the popup, you can type in the name of your list and a description.
    • - Once you have entered all your information, click “Create List”.
    • - If you need to modify any of your list details, click on the pencil icon under “Actions”.
    • - Once you have made your changes, click “Save Changes”.

Adding to the Cart:

When you are ready to add your list items to the cart, select the desired list.

From the list page, you have the option to “Select all” at the top of the page. Or, you can pick and choose from the items on your list.

Once you have chosen your items, click “Add Selected To Cart.” From here, you can proceed to check out or add more items to your cart before completing the check out process.

For any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at or chat with us.